Schoolbag custom-made manufacturers teach you how to choose ridge-protected schoolbags -? Pesin Outdoor Products Compa

by:Lzdrason     2020-08-04
According to the survey, 70% of primary and secondary school students have frequent cervical spondylosis, which is derived from children's schoolbags. The choice of schoolbags determines the healthy growth of each growing child, and the Ridge-protected schoolbags have become the type of schoolbags that parents focus on for their children. However, the unpredictable trend of schoolbags, what kind of school bag is the ridge bag? How to choose the right Ridge bag for the child? 1. The aerobic shoulder strap design of the schoolbag, whether it is a backpack or a shoulder bag, the shoulder strap of the schoolbag is the stress focus of each bag, so the shoulder strap of the schoolbag should be selected with health consciousness. The shoulder strap of the ridge bag should be quilted with Sanming mesh layer or diving material, so that the shoulder strap itself has no direct contact with the shoulder, reducing the direct suppression damage of the bag to the body, and the long-term burden will not be too tired. 2. The cushion compartment on the back of the schoolbag the cushion compartment on the back of the schoolbag is generally designed as a triangle made of sandwich net, which is distributed above the waist and at the waist respectively. The soft pad of the schoolbag is the buffer zone of the book and the back, which plays a role in heat dissipation for a long time, and also makes the book not directly pressed on the child, resulting in the child not being able to bend over, thus causing hidden dangers of hunchback. 3. The Small Back plate inside the schoolbag is obviously different from the ordinary schoolbag, that is, the inner plate design in the center of the schoolbag. When designing the inner board of the schoolbag, the book is placed in the inner board of the center of gravity, and the heavy book backrest is used to keep the waist and back straight and cultivate a good walking posture, can also slowly improve the children with hunchback hidden dangers to raise their heads again.
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